The Biggest Wealth Transfer in History Is Happening Right Now
You can be a part of it if you choose.
Trillions of dollars are flowing right now.
Most people are missing it. They’re asleep at the wheel of their life heading off a cliff. They’re using the country where they live as an excuse, despite them being connected to the internet.
Big idea: The internet removed country borders.
Where you come from is irrelevant. Who your parents were or what college education you have is as meaningless as the fact I’m wearing bright red underpants right now with pink stains on them.
The wealth transfer going on is wild.
I’m right in the middle of it. I feel like Gandalf from the Lord of the Rings movie with the ability to see the future and navigate people through it.
There’s a lot of hype. The noise is deafening. At the core of it is the truth which is hard to see. Some people still don’t understand the foundation of the global economy.
They keep saying “there’s so much debt” without understanding the debt will never be paid back. They wonder why the money they earn each year buys less and less and they can’t figure out why.
Let me decode for you the biggest wealth transfer in history (bigger than the baby boomer boom) into 6 parts.
Part 1 – Programmed minds versus the free mind
For as long as we’ve had TVs, newspapers, and radio we’ve been subconsciously programmed by the mass media.
The cracks appeared when we started to learn how Hollywood used tricks to make movies. Or when they edited true stories to make them something they weren’t to increase the marketability of the movie.
Bottom line: mainstream media will fake anything for the right reason.
Before the internet’s supremacy most of us had a programmed mind. Then social media rose to dominance and gave us the chance to opt out and program our minds the way we saw fit.
This has given a segment of society a massive advantage. By freeing their minds they’ve been able to create results that seem impossible.
But most minds still aren’t free. I’ll give you an example. If you ask the average person about Elon Musk, many will say they hate him. My uncle is one of those people.
He wants to murder Elon.
So I asked my uncle why he didn’t like Elon.
“He’s evil. He’s a dangerous man. He’s Hitler.”
Then I say “Have you ever had dinner with Elon?”
“Have you ever met Elon?”
“Do you know anyone who knows Elon?”
“So how do you know these things about Elon, uncle?”
The answer is the media told him these things. They programmed his mind. The mainstream media does this because they’re driven by incentives, and they’re full of biases.
If you listen to mainstream media, then by default, your mind is preprogrammed for you.
You’ll easily be manipulated for someone else’s profit.
To join the biggest wealth transfer in history, you must question everything and keep an open mind. This opportunity never existed before social media. Now it does.
Part 2 – AI agents will change everything forever
Most people know what AI is.
In the last 8 weeks AI agents have quietly been gaining traction. Yesterday I learned a guy online is teaching people how to use AI agents to write their own software code without any knowledge of how code works.
AI agents act like human beings. You tell them what you need done and they do it. At the start of this trend you could tell them to book a meeting. Then they could do your taxes. Now they can write you personalized software. Tomorrow they can show up at your job and do most of the work for you.
AI agents don’t replace humans. They amplify them.
And many are getting left behind because they’re stuck in the old way of thinking. They still think websites or google search matter.
AI agents are creating a bigger wealth transfer than the internet did. Amplifying how much you can get done with AI agents is an opportunity that’ll create a new class of millionaires.
Low IQ donkey work will get destroyed. That means basic jobs will be out the door – and they’re the ones that need college degrees.
Part 3 – Employment versus one-person businesses
Dissing 9-5 jobs has been fashionable since the early 2000s.
Previously this idea was mostly a get-rich-scheme… but now it’s a reality. The average person is realizing they’re a business, and being loyal to a corporation is the fastest way to get taken advantage of, because the company isn’t loyal to them.
Aggressive layoffs have shown the true colors of the corporate world.
And all the “we are family” and “wear this rainbow badge” or “be part of Black History Month” have been a giant facade.
Corporations don’t care about you or any cause. They exist for profit. That’s all.
I’m not hating on the model. This is how it should be and always has been. HR departments just got out of control and became glorified marketing departments.
As this reality has hit workers hard, the idea of working for themselves and servicing multiple companies has become common. The tools needed to do this and the ways to attract customers have become easier.
It’s better for corporations too. When they hire a full-time employee they often don’t need that person for every second of the day. With this one-person business model a company can recruit some guns-for-hire, then discard them when the work is done.
This turns the workforce into being value-led, not a “years of experience” or useless credentials-driven system.
As these dynamics shift, high agency people with real skills will earn a lot more money and work with multiple companies at the same time.
And low value employee work will continue to decline and have harsher KPIs applied that ultimately lead to layoffs.
Just talk to someone working 12-hour days.
They’re being exploited because they’re not properly selling the value they have to offer. So when an employer says jump, they have to do everything they say and more or the threat of layoffs will take away their livelihood.
This exploitation model will die.
The opportunity for you is to turn yourself into a business and to think like one. That way you’ll never starve or be out of work.
Part 4 – Busy versus obsessed
The rise of technology has been a blessing and a curse.
The average person is busier than ever because technology has given us endless distractions and tasks to do. The uneducated think being busy is a sign of success.
But being busy just means you can’t focus.
That’s not something to be proud of. It’s a tragedy. It means you can’t direct your attention, time, and money toward the right goal.
Thanks to modern science and cutting-edge books on how humans think and work, a new class of humans has risen up. They’re the obsessed.
They refuse to be busy.
They focus on one thing.
They ignore shiny objects.
They build one thing online for 5+ years.
Because social media like TikTok and streaming TV like Netflix have been rotting most people’s minds, the people who resisted the cheap dopamine have been given a huge advantage.
The obsessed class is able to make progress faster.
And they have almost no competition so they’re making much more money than they should. To be part of this wealth transfer you must choose obsession.
Part 5 – Crypto versus old world money
The old world of finance was based on buying index funds or investing in the S&P 500.
Or you could buy bonds and earn interest. Or invest in your favorite company when they listed on the stock exchange.
But then this happened…
Governments created record amounts of money out of thin air. This messed with our ability to get true price discovery on how much things are worth, like how much a loaf of bread really costs.
The return on index funds is before tax and is less than the devaluing of the global money supply that governments and central banks are responsible for. Plus, investing for decades in the markets to get rich at 85 (or never) isn’t appealing anymore.
Governments created massive debts that they can never pay back, and will never be paid back.
Bonds pay peanuts in interest and the value of money is working against you.
Stock market apps came out of nowhere. They let people take stupid risks and make wild bets. Coordinated manipulation of stocks like Game Stop became common.
Buying your favorite public company became harder because of derivatives (gambling), and insiders like venture capitalists milking all the value out of a company before they list it on the stock exchange to dump it on retail investors and collect the cash they feel like they earned.
Sanctions and cancel culture meant if you started a war in the Ukraine or said the wrong thing online, you could have your bank accounts frozen or even closed.
Middlemen fintech companies began raping businesses 5-6% to process a simple card transaction from their customers, then smacking them again with currency conversion fees for doing nothing.
So over the last few years a new financial system has been built on blockchain. Some call it crypto. Others call it decentralized finance. Some know it as Bitcoin. Whatever the heck you call it, it came from a desperate need for a better way.
Since 2013 I’ve benefited from it. I saw the problems early on when I worked in banking. I remember an Aussie customer wanting to send money to their supplier in Brazil.
They asked me how much it would cost to send the money. I couldn’t tell them because all the middlemen banks that would be involved have wildly fluctuating fees.
On day one the customer sent the money. 2 weeks later their supplier still didn’t have the money. They asked me for an update. I asked our bank.
They sent an internal message to the other bank (like an SMS). Days later a reply came back with one word: “Processing.” This went on for weeks. The banks in the middle joked. I later found out the intermediary banks wanted to hold the money for as long as possible to make money off it.
It was all a big joke.
The customer was the loser. Their money finally arrived minus a massive chunk of it missing to pay all the fees.
This led me to invest in blockchain technology, which automates all this BS and makes the fees and transactions available on a public ledger. It started with Bitcoin then morphed into 1000s of cryptos.
Old world money still hasn’t caught on.
They don’t understand that measuring the value of anything in a government-issued currency is a huge mistake because the supply is inflating and infinite.
The wealth transfer to this new world of finance has created some extremely rich people. It takes an open mind to understand. For AI to operate the way it needs to, automated financial transactions that happen in real time are a must.
Crypto is so obvious it’s not even funny at this point.
Part 6 – A radical change in mindset
About 2 years ago it hit me: wealth is created in the mind.
Not through waiting your turn, luck, hope, a Kickstarter crowdfunding campaign (lottery), being chosen, a Hollywood movie deal, or because you deserve it.
Changing your mind used to be hard. Then social media came along with its algorithms. It allowed you to follow people and ideas. As you subconsciously selected what you’d follow, your mindset changed for better or worse.
Some people followed dumb-dumbs on platforms like Medium who said “America is burning. Nothing can save us now.”
Others joined platforms like X or this one and followed optimistic people. They found new ideas. They challenged everything they learned at school. And they adopted a growth mindset.
Social media has and will continue to be part of the largest wealth transfer in history.
It’s where you:
Build distribution
Get attention for your ideas
Network with smart people
The “follow” button is perhaps the most powerful button in history.
Final Thought
This is the golden era of humanity.
I’ve never been more optimistic. The opportunities have never been this good and are only getting better. Use the 6 parts above to join the new economy and be part of the greatest wealth transfer in history.
Use the money to create generational wealth, set your mind free, and buy back your time. You deserve it. What’s holding you back?
This article is for informational purposes only, it should not be considered Financial or Legal Advice. Consult a financial professional before making any major financial decisions.
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Sounds cool, Tim. I've been buying Bitcoin every Friday and can't complain about the returns. Funny thing is when I asked 20 or so people I know, only 3 said they were holding Bitcoin. Its growth potential is still vast (until everyone realizes how f*cked up currencies are).
Great post Tim!
On media, I agree. Check out @mikebenzcyber on X.
On BTC, yes
@lynaldencontact lays this out brilliantly in her book Broken Money - I wrote a thread on that
And, most importantly, the ability to embrace and imagine this and make sh*t up for yourself to make your way is huge