hahaha "F*ck corner offices. The best office is a home office." Love that

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I don't plan to ever retire. Provided I can continue to make money writing about topics that I enjoy, I reckon I'll keep that up till my eyes give out.

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"There's only so long you can live life and ignore the dreams you’ve had since childhood. Sitting in an air-conditioned office at an email job isn’t the dream. For many of us, it’s what we’ve settled for (I did for 10 years). Wealthy people are builders. They build with a vision."

That's one of the points that really resonate with me.

Thank you, Tim, for another nugget-filled article. 😊

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Feb 2, 2023Liked by Tim Denning

Good read man I love reading your articles !

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Feb 2, 2023Liked by Tim Denning

Do they have a credit card? Need these today for sure. Tim, one of the best articles. Life ain't fair game- Spot on. I never ask permission- I justdo! As a fellow Aussie (born near Perth, West Australia) but living in the US, I understand where you are coming from- Money is the great definer today. I never trade but invest in stocks.

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Feb 2, 2023Liked by Tim Denning

Your best yet!

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Feb 2, 2023Liked by Tim Denning

Another great article Tim! Great perspectives that are 100% true.

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Truth Bomb!

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Another beautiful read Tim, as things start to make a little sense down here 🫣. Hey huge thanks for everything you’ve done too mate, I appreciate your patience and consistency lol

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Feb 2, 2023Liked by Tim Denning

I was just wondering why I haven’t received your emails for a while when this popped up in my inbox 😄

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Well said. Thank for the motivation!

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I really agree with #1, but I work with these kinda people. Does that mean I should be finding a different workplace? This whole thing seems headed in that direction...

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Excellent article. I agree with all these points. I believe if you decide to create a new life of prosperity and growth you may end up losing friends. Not everyone is on the same trajectory.

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deletedFeb 2, 2023Liked by Tim Denning
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