One of the best articles yet on the contradiction between conventional consensus on what productivity is and isn’t..... and why our obsession should be on what we love vs what we are misled by conventional thought to believe it is!

We should all flow towards passion in line with our gifts and our likes, not a LinkedIn produced cultural insanity!

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Your feedback made me smile. Thanks Larry!

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Excellent article - totally agree. I find myself going crazy reading about all these productivity hacks - so robotic. When I am reading them I wonder where the heck is the space for creativity in all of this, and creativity is what makes the world go round, not a productivity hack. Do you have any good books you can recommend about flow?

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The book titles "Flow" is one of the best. Stealing Fire is great too Eleanor.

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No probs

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Aug 10, 2023Liked by Tim Denning

My first read on Substack..and a wholly relevant and completely helpful and engaging article..will be following these principles..Thank you for enriching my day!

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Welcome to Substack Andre.

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Ancient Ayurveda describes 2 states of mind:

Anuttva: Minuteness

Ekattva: Oneness (one thing at a time)

Harnessing these 2 qualities is nothing but hacking a flow state.

Peefect write-up. Thank you.

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Is there a book you can point me to Kamal that talks more about this?

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Yeah, sure.

Ayurveda and mind (The healing of consciousness) by Dr David Frawley. He is a renown author in vedic science.

This book is really a masterpiece in understanding vedic prospective in understanding mind, intelligence and consciousness.

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Yeah mate! Productivity s*cks, people go for the wrong goal for long. Unknowingly I’ve started flow state in between my 9to5 in the last couple of years. It took 9 year X 4 for me 🤥

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Brutal but worth it Afendi.

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Aug 14, 2023Liked by Tim Denning

Thank you so very much.

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No probs Ben

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Dude, this is so perfectly put and describes exactly how I feel when I'm working on something and finish it sooner than expected.

I'll be honest: earlier, I had a fear of the future (booking guests for my Substack column and getting my most recent interview done in time). But if I can keep this mindset, I need not worry anymore.

Also, never been a fan of productivity hacks or many other hacks for that matter.

Great piece, Tim.

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Music to my ears David.

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Flow is what I now Know....I shall flow and Tim thanks for letting me go flow.😀 I do believe this is what I've needed to adjust the me in me.💯 Appreciated!!!!!!

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Hell yes Tawadna.

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I have been in flow daily this week and didn't know it. Thanks, Tim.

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I never used to recognize it either Isabel.

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Today this is exactly what I'm ready for. It perfectly describes my personal journey from living and working in flow states to productivity goals based living. It makes so clear why I am now finding my feelings of success and competency dinenished.

I've been enjoying your articles for a while now. This one spoke to something much deeper.

Thank you,


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Keep going Robert. Love to read comments like this one.

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This article flowed like a river...on the shores of the present from a source thats your past experience and directionally leading to a better future. And flow is a shaping force of nature carving its route as it moves. You told us what flow is, showed us how it works and makes us want it for ourselves. One helluva article, Tim.

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Beautifully said ECP

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Good one Tim. The sad reality is the most humans are constantly searching for meaning in their lives. All the cheerleading crap evolves out of that basic need. Find your purpose! Your truth! Your passion! Yay you! We rely on religion, ideology, work title, bank account, blue checks, and material possessions to validate us. I love what you said about the balance of past, present, and future. We can’t escape the traps of our mind, but we can try to train it by clearing the deck and letting it flow. 💪🏻

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You got the message of this article perfectly Dee.

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You can get more done with a few hours of deep work in flow state than most people do in a week of distracted state.

Great article Tim

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That's how I feel too Anthony.

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“Pick the one thing that makes all other things irrelevant”

Paraphrasing here, but that hit home, Tim 👊

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It's a partial idea I stole from Tim Ferriss.

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Thanks So much, this is really a mindset shifting article.

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Glad you think so May

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Excellent article!

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Much love Daniel.

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