Jul 16Liked by Tim Denning

Mostly my age, 63. It feels too late yet I am drawn to your words. Definitely still trying to figure out the obsession piece. I have plenty of expertise and skills but I am bored to death with all of them. What I am really obsessed about I guess is politics....like there are not already a billion people writing about that! Perhaps I could combine that somehow with my expertise (mental health, neuroscience) I am defintely thinking about the last chapter of my career (the next 7 years if I stay healthy) and how to make it really matter in terms of giving me the life I want in my 70's. I still have alot fo hard work left in me and want to use it wisely.

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Tammy, you're never too old. Why do you think that?

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I can't give a clear answer to that other than I def have been experiencing the barriers of ageism. They are very real. And like all "isms" I have internalized some of it. But its mostly just about my waning confidence, in part because I do not feel I have to "powers" I once had but also because my business endeavors to date have not taken me where I thought they would. I have learned from all of that but much also seems out of my control and the clock is ticking. BUT, I am pretty determined to take a different path and writing is certainly central to that! I am really enjoying yours for sure:)

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You're not too old. Just look at Col Sanders and Kentucky Fried Chicken. I try to treat life as a game. Just have fun and it doesn't matter if you're the best. The world needs what you can bring to it. As Tim says, find something small and obsess about it. This second business of mine came out of a really crappy September 2023. I feel overwhelmed and like a fraud sometimes, but I do the work anyway. I know I'll be bad before I'm good. It's part of life. And yes, my life wasn't what I had envisioned (57 and divorced with f'd up finances) but so what. I love a very old book called wishcraft by Barbara Sher. It gives techniques for finding your passion and the second half is about getting your community behind your passion (she calls it a barn raising, where your friends come together to help you). Some of Tim's techniques are the modern version of this barn raising.

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Thank you for those words of encouragement and the persepctive! I make it a habit to alwasy read books that people recommend so I will check out Barbara Sher's.

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Hey Tammy, just a couple of words of encouragement.

1. Clint Eastwood was asked once how he keeps going into his 90s, and he said that every morning he gets up and makes a promise to himself. "Don't let the old man in."

2. Peter Drucker, the late management consultant guru, wrote many esteemed books. At around 80 years old, he was asked by Jim Collins (author of Good to Great, Built to Last etc.) which he thought was his best book. Drucker replied immediately, "The next one!" He went on to write and publish 13 books after the age of 80 before he died at 95.

Best to you.


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These are great sources of inspiration - thank you!

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Welcome, Tammy!

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Thanks Shane!

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Jul 23·edited Jul 23

I work with a 60-year-old man who is learning LinkedIn and telling me fancy strategies from Instagram, I don’t know. Age is just a number. Don’t believe it.

AND: Nobody has heard Y O U R voice about politics.

That is the beauty of the creator economy and being an online writer. Go for it!

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Thanks you for this! I am also at that very basic level of learning about the various platforms and all of the possibilities. I am a pretty quick study though so I am more confident in my abilities to master the use of the platforms that coming up with the actual content. I plan to take Tim's class this fall to help with that!

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This sounds awsome!

Mastering the platforms and unveiling your unique voice. Thanks to contributors like Tim, we are able to make it happen. Thanks for responding. May I take a class of Tim too 🌞

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Distracted –––––> Focus on one goal - I needed to hear that one, my friend.

THANKS for the WHOLE ENCHILADA -- great food for thought, with a side of guac!

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Cheers Lee. What action will you now take?

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Thanks again for that wake up call!

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Going to finish things I've started - ONE at a time, so I'm not so damn all over the place. 🐙🐙🐙

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I only disagree with one point - about 10yr goals for impatient people. I would tell them to mark milestones rather than set goals that require something they're not good at (patience). I'm in the FIRE community, and my goal is to retire on $1M. Everyone's first big goal post is $100K because that's when compounding returns become very evident. $250K means you're ~15 years from retirement even if you never invest another dime. There are habits to develop that get you to the goal faster, like automated deposits to a brokerage/retirement fund, negotiating a raise or adding a side hustle with 100% of the money dedicated to accelerating your journey.

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Katie, why do people want to retire? I feel like I never want to retire. Is doing nothing really that motivating?

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Most of them have well-paid but soul-sucking corporate jobs. They're running away, not towards something. Those who enjoy their work just want the FI part, and don't bother with retiring completely until their kids are done with school and they have the option to travel. Many go part-time so they can max out time with kids before they turn 18.

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Fiery post Tim 🔥

"Let people down so you don’t let yourself down."

I like that.

No shortcuts, only the stairs. Gotta keep going.

The problem is we want the results tomorrow.

The solution is : stop the wishful thinking. Reality is real..it changes when we actively change our day, to change our life.


This is my learning, my living.

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What are you building Saima?

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Big question Tim!

In a very short sentence: I am building an intentional life, day by day.

A life of 'living' rather than living in 'waiting mode'

Learnt a few things by not getting what I wanted. Sharing my learnings with those in a similar journey.

Building a life around my purpose, slowly and everyday!

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I struggle with that expiration date, since it looms ominously closer for me every day. I'm no youngster like you. I'm living in my sixth decade, having survived cancer once (so far, anyway). But I'm not ready for the rocking chair. I still feel I have so much to give, to share. I'm still struggling with my purpose. I agree that following your passion is the key. My passions are writing and medieval history. How can I possibly make those two work together to generate a business? The search continues...

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I run an academy that helps people with this goal Frances. Have you checked it out?

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I struggle with going to therapy. The next best thing that reveals my issues and helps me solve some of them is reading Freud's works.

It's amazing how well he understands the male psyche. I would recommend his papers to all males.

But he treats women as an afterthought probably because he didn't have many female patients.

Anyway, his take on women isn't convincing and I don't think his work will benefit them much. They are probably better off with another psychologist's work.

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What do you dislike about therapy?

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Initially, it was the stigma of going to therapy, but after discovering Freud's works and benefitting from them, it seems sort of redundant.

But if it becomes necessary to fix any of the issues I haven't been able to, then I think therapy will become necessary.

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Jul 17Liked by Tim Denning

SO GOOD!!! 🙌🏻

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What was one takeaway for you Lena?

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Love this. As a dentist, hope your daughter had a great first visit and experience. 🦷🪥

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It went well. How do I get her to let us brush her teeth? Every night is a battle.

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Being 1 it’s honestly going to be a battle because well she’s one 😂 (being real here). I do like electric brushes because you get a better chance of getting the plaque off than manual brushing.

Or just let her do her thing - her chewing on a brush for 5-10 minutes actually will take the bacteria off quite well.

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Try the Philips Sonicare app for kids. Have no affiliation but most kids love the game based nature of it (and you don’t need a Sonicare brush). Being fun encourages use and I find most kids love it. It’s also on Android.


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It is the best Unfiltered substack - I have read

I think I will download, photocopy and wallpaper the sitting room

Thanks for sharing

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Jul 17Liked by Tim Denning

Great piece 🌿

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Anything stand out?

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Jul 16Liked by Tim Denning

Nice read

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Thanks. What stood out?

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Every headline was addressing me directly

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Once again, Tim, you've been reading my unpublished journal! Your cheat sheet is brilliant.

I have one clear goal this week that is in progress that I think needs to be done to get my name site back up out of maintenance.

Screw that! Even if I don't clear that goal, I will have everything sent to my web wizard by the end of the day this Sunday.

Then, my name site will be up and functioning one week from today.

There. I proclaimed it out in the open and now have this community as my accountability buddies.

Tim, consider yourself hugged.


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You got this, Donna! 🧡

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Yay! I'm hosting an accountability session in a few minutes with a couple of others dealing with stuckiness. My quest is to grease the gears

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I looove your energy ! You just say it how it is without a fuss and lots of humour :)) Youve inspired me for years since I followed you on Medium, and now again as my last obsession turns to passion, thanks for fuelling my comeback attempts :))) You rock. And your little girl is lucky to have you as her dad :))) Thanks Tim !

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Great suggestions! Love this!

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I disagree with you on one point—“Let people down so you don’t let yourself down.” Isn’t there a balance? The point of our lives isn’t to die wealthy—it’s about the relationships we build. I think that allowing ourselves distance from people who aren’t building us up can be beneficial, and maybe that’s all you’re saying. That said, I think you’re right: if I want to accomplish anything meaningful, I need to focus on it with all the time, effort, and attention I can give. For right now, that focus goes to my novel. I plan to put my focus on Substack once I finish revisions.

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Well, I find that you make a great point about finding a balance between personal goals and relationships and it’s true that our lives are enriched by the connections we build, and distancing ourselves from negative influences can be beneficial for our goals.

Prioritizing your meaningful work (your novel) is important, and it’s about allocating your time and energy wisely.

You got this man!

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Amen to everything. Distracted and busy are my issues. The problem with busy is I like the work, but it doesn't ultimately get me to my end goal. I'm building a second business, so my being okay with saying no is important.

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