My journey just Started and I just wrote about what led me here :) of course my strategic mind is thinking about how it will monetise one day and yet I also know the key is in letting go of the expectation and continuing to write authentically! Thank you for sharing the actual story and the different ripples that took part in you getting here. We often forget there was a whole mountain (or several) to climb before we get to a peak, and that there are more peaks ahead with valleys and avalanches and lovely cool lake swims etc etc. Thanks Tim!

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I also just wrote my first newsletter about my writing journey. Although I have just started posting on social media. I have seen a-lot of writers expressing their struggles to get their work to right audience. I am also one of those writers. I have just reached 20 followers on instagram and just under 20 followers on threads. In some ways I am happy about this, as I know it’s heard and I’m not best at social media . On the other hand i do wish I was better with social media and had the ability to write things better. For now though, I know anyone following along my journey is truly interested in my work and theres plenty of time to grow as Im only a teenager.

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Camille! Good job starting and best of luck ✌🏻

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You've eluded to this story before, Tim. But that train wreck you wrote about made me squirm. Really. That's the best writing I've read from you. I've been reading your posts since you began on Medium.

That's a fair body of reading, you might say.

That took Aussie guts and gritted teeth to admit.

You have a secure following and business model behind you now. Well done.

I mean it. Not so much about the money, but from making it back from the bad neighbor-helicopter hell-possible separation of your family.

That is one effing incredible victory, right there.

Congratulations, you deserve it.

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Aug 22·edited Aug 22

Nicely said Therese - yes Tim, you deserve all the good out there coming your way. That was one raw post and I feel I've learned more about you in the last 10 mins than in the past however many months I somehow, by some magic, stumbled upon your page and now I'm learning from you and your buddy from Tennessee. Your ripples are making waves in the lives of so many and that's one gigantic wave of positivity, kindness and kickass knowledge which needed your first, initial ripple... Thanks Timbo. Here's to you, your dear lady and your baby girl.

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Those ripples just don’t stop. do they?

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Ditto, MartiG, I agree.

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Thanks, I really needed this story today. I just started my stack a week or two ago, so I'm very new to all of this. I'm enjoying reading A LOT on here and sometimes I forget that I came here to write, I just get lost in the wonder of this new world I've uncovered.

Of course, it does eventually circle back to deep inspiration and wanting to share my own writings with whoever needs or wants them.

Thank you for sharing your story and your wisdom. I've had some ripples of my own and it's helpful to be looking back at them from this new perspective, knowing they are important signposts on my path to wherever it is I am going.

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I came here to try and write. I was instantly paralysed by imposter syndrome! That was July of last year, and while I still read an awful lot of other people’s stacks, from fiction to history to poetry and everything in between, I cannot shake off that feeling that I am way out of my depth.

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I definitely get that, and I would imagine that as more time passes, the depth only continues to feel deeper... You should be able to take all the time that you need but I also want to encourage you to just flip the script on this and get started.

I came here thinking I needed to write "professionally" and have been noticing that a lot of people seem to prefer the conversation-style writing that is very informal and free flowing. Maybe you could start by writing about your experience here and about the imposter syndrome itself, start with what's real and present for you in the moment, just share from the heart.

Do it for yourself first and foremost, and then the worst case scenario is, you're the only one who reads it. (Which, to the inner critic, might also be the best case scenario... so ultimately its a win-win, no matter what!) :)

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An inspiring story, Tim. The way we know you, it's been your life. Keep winning.

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Thanks for spilling the beans Tim - it is not what happens but what you learn from it, how you handle it and how you rise again. Food for thought for me.

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However, I will be starting things back up soon.

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Blimey, that's rough. I can relate to the noisy neighbours only too well. Had years of that in my twenties. 3 am - 8 pm, then silence, followed by an eruption of House at 5 am the next day. Can't talk reason with them because they're on drugs and think you're the oppressor, you're that spoilt middle class bloke who thinks he's better than everyone else. Finally my landlord had enough of me calling up in the middle of the night to complain, and threw them out.

I sincerely hope you've found a quieter place, Tim. Even the best of marriages can get rocky when subjected to endless thump thump through the walls day and night.

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your story really shows that success is about getting through the tough times and still making a difference - really inspiring. each of us holds a story, we just to have to be brave to own and share them

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That was a rollercoaster. Thanks for sharing!

I appreciate you sharing your unique struggles. My takeaway is no matter what you are going through, writing and becoming successful with any creative pursuit is about consistency.

Show up every day for yourself, your family, and your dream.

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To be like water is to understand your natural, authentic self.

——Be Water,My Friend (written by Shannon Lee)

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Seeking therapy and addressing personal issues can be crucial for maintaining well-being and relationships

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Tim does a great job of making the reader feel emotions. I think this is his superpower as a writer. Many writers, especially Finance writers, put you to sleep while reading their content. This is why I try hard to incorporate stories in my Finance content, and make the reader FEEL something while they learn. Great work as always.

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Thank you for sharing your descent into those canyons. Life gets rough at times. I admire how you got back up, and appreciate your constant encouragement to overcome my obstacles too.

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Thanks for the honesty Tim, s***happens to all of us, but you have taken it and evolved to be a great writer and mentor to so many. I am a physical therapist, enjoy hands on contact with people way more than I would ever enjoy anything digital, so writing would not be for me, but I enjoy learning from a master😊By the way the crypto loss is seriously frightening and would not inspire this digital dinosaur Grandma to invest there!

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I'm no good writer has kept me from starting. Sometimes the trouble of being motivated by writing with the right topic got me stuck.

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What a story and definitely no clickbait.

That's what's writing is all about.

Being authentic, being vulnerable, being human.

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