Thanks for being real, Tim.

We decided that one of us needed to spend more time with our soon-to-be teenage daughter.

It's definitely a mind-fuck at the start when you're looking at an empty calendar.

I've been away from full-time work now for 2 years and I have no plans on changing this.

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I think so many people in the 60s and 70s got this. Jimi Hendrix sang his heart out over it. Freedom!

Then we had deregulation & leverage, Maggie Thatcher (if you're in the UK) Donald Reagan (if you in the US).

We had 'greed is good', and, in spite of a more chilled 90s, the madness of more leverage never went away - in fact it became more virulent.

Today, as we stand on the brink of global recession, a potential reset on fiat currencies, some of us are saying enough is enough.

Money can soon start to resemble coke. Builds confidence. Builds paranoia. Keep chasing it, feeling on top of the world, then realising how lonely you are. Obsessed with your image, or, as we call it these days, your personal branding.

Yes, time with good friends, family, your own self ... a good book - these are the source of real wealth.

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Yes, it IS about time...using it wisely.

For some that means going the entrepreneurial route or letting your partner assume the financial responsibilities so you don’t have to or staying in a traditional job because that’s what works for your mental well-being. Whichever you choose, it’s about maximizing the same 24 hours everyone gets to the best of your abilities to enjoy the maximum benefit for yourself and your loved ones.

It’s not a one size fits all. It’s a bespoke thing.

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I made the same mindset shift a few years ago. I thought (or society told me) that making money is the ultimate goal, and then I got into a purpose crisis.

Now life is about freedom and having a purposeful job instead of finding the biggest amount of money.

Thank you, Tim, for thr reminder!

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Freedom is the ultimate form of wealth


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Freedom should not be defined by more but rather better

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Thanks Tim. There is an old African proverb that equates time with money. Since i discovered the luxury of time freedom, i have never turned back. Of course like Denis has rightly put it there is a money element in this freedom.

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Time worths more than everything. The older you get, the more you want it and need it.

Life is short and time is flying so, making the best of it, based on our personal needs and goals, is a priority!

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Hey Tim, the idea of freedom started making sense to me after my 32nd birthday when I decided to pay myself first from my wage. Interestingly, there's a money element in this freedom. It shows that money is a means, not an end.

You certainly have commitments, don't you? Who runs the Badassery Academy for us? :)

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Exactly. Freedom is more important than possessions and money is what possessions are all about. And time is what your life is made up of. So be careful how you spend your time.

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Yes, freedom is what most of us seek. 'Becoming obsessed' by anything, to me, is not freedom. Feel the word, 'obsessed'. Now feel the word 'free'. Freedom to choose how you perceived money, or time, or whatever else life hands you is my idea of freedom.

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I agree with you 100% percent! Although I don't have millions in my account, no company, no big following (at least not yet), I have everything on your list, family, freedom, weekends, I take care of my parents thanking every day that they are still on this planet... Now that's a true wealth. <3

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All of it. So real and so right.

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Really needed this. Thanks.

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Of course work is essential to human dignity, to our sense of self-worth as useful, independent people, but we must develop the our capacity of being clear in the face of uncertainty.

Plans can always be changed and improved.

Our infinite afflictions, are rooted in the greed and delusion. Nothing makes us more vulnerable than greed.

“Capitalism is an organized system to guarantee that greed becomes the primary force of our economic system and allows the few at the top to get very wealthy and has the rest of us riding around thinking we can be that way, too - if we just work hard enough, sell enough Tupperware and Amway products, we can get a pink Cadillac.” Michael Moore

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Freedom is paramount. Time is our only non renewable resource - we can always earn more money but we can never get back our time.

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