The weird shall inherit the earth

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Tim, my finance teacher used to work for the Buy Side. She knows her sh*t. Here's what she told me about Satoshi: That's most likely a man employed at one of the US Money Central Banks. He was deeply frustrated by what the Banks did that eventually led to the 2008 banking debacle. He was an insider who had a complete picture of everything that was wrong with mortgage-backed securities. So he decided to create something that snatched power from the Banks.

A beautiful, perhaps a little idealistic story. But given that it came from someone who was managing a floor of pro traders, I was impressed by her narrative.

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Feb 10Liked by Tim Denning

I would like patience recognised as a superpower. Sure, keep Batman. Patience can wear a cape too.

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Feb 11Liked by Tim Denning

Loved it.

Not said that before on a Stack.

Signed up. ☑️

Sent it to my son.

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Feb 10Liked by Tim Denning

Love this! I just dropped my 15 year old son to his weekly sports match and we spoke about this on the way there.

He would like to be noticed by talent scouts and play at a higher level but is also very shy and likes to just “fit in”.

Fitting in won’t get him noticed and achieve his goal, he needs to stand out. Something he is now aware of & he can work on 😊

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Thanks Tim - enjoyed reading your article!

So true - the real change makers are humble and unconventional. They have a deep, true desire to make things better without any expectations of getting something back.

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Love this piece, Tim. And it especially resonated with me due to the recent censorship regarding a certain organization that wants neither big or small, but instead watered down, middle ground appeal.

I am reminded of my favorite Kurt Vonnegut quote - “Write to please just one person. If you open a window and make love to the world, so to speak, your story will get pneumonia.”

Mr. Reeves breathes easily because he isn't trying to make love to the world.

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Today is my birthday. Thanks for your gift.

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Feb 12Liked by Tim Denning

keanu reeves is an interesting man

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Adam Grant provided a very similar perspective through various case studies in his book - Originals: How Non-Conformists Move the World.

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Hmm.. To be weirdly you is to stand out.

Thank you for this great piece

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This hit me hard in regard to leaving the institutional church since the pandemic. I’ve been told that I’ve “changed,” seeing as I’m not acting in the conformed, so-called “Christian” manner I used to. All I can think is, “God, I hope so.”

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Brilliant Tim. Thank you. Long live the weirdos. 💪🏻

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Feb 10Liked by Tim Denning

'Think about how irreplaceable humble people are.'

We definitely need way more of them in this world.

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Feb 10Liked by Tim Denning

Thank you for this. Your writing always challenges my views and beliefs.

I've always imagined that fitting in better is what helps you stand out and belong (what used to be most imprtant to me) and that those who didn't 'fit' were the stereotypical wierdos. Which is why I used to work so hard to match the beat of everybody else's drum. A strategy that failed me every single time.

The idea of not fitting to make a difference is, in a way, obvious but also shoking. I think its because of all these societal rules that dictate what is 'good' and 'polite' behaiviour that you have to follow and the fear of 'disapproval' that everyone is taught. Rules that I am teaching myself to ignore.

I'm glad to know I'm a wierdo.

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Jerry Garcia of the Grateful Dead Quote

“You do not merely want to be considered just the best of the best. You want to be considered the only ones who do what you do.” from Jerry Garcia of the Grateful Dead (1942-1995)


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