Decision fatigue is an enemy. We make thousands of tiny decisions every day, and the process of recognizing, considering, and executing each one robs us of a precious life force that has a very finite quantity in our lives. A great example of wisdom in this respect was Steve Jobs' wardrobe: black t-shirts and denim. Every day. Every occasion. One less fuss in the morning when getting up to start your day. Create a life where you eliminate the decision when you get there. It will conserve your energy for the important ones.
I have to say that not having enough money to meet your needs is immensely stressful and anxiety producing. You end up essentially doing eeny meeny miney mo over which bill to pay or which service or item you need to live your life more comfortably. Forget about luxuries. You don’t get any. But of course I worry about those people who make so much money they don’t know how to spend it without getting stressed.😭
Good post. Sometimes when the financial vice grip gets so tight, I feel like I am too poor to help others. I start to live in scarcity and not abundance. It's important to remember that everything will work out in the end.
Sweet overview! Also you gotta appreciate that he shows up with a lady who is close to him in age, an artist, and wears her own face rather than a plastic surgeon's collage.
I'm always suspicious of this stuff ... Apparently he has hundreds of millions of dollars. And he has so many residual revenue streams, of course he thinks money isn't the be-all, end-all; so would I, if I never had to worry about it.
I am sorry but the bitcoin friend was an idiot. He never heard of diversifying your portfolio or strategic withdrawals or any of all the other methods that minimize the risk? If you put all of your eggs in one basket, you have no one to blame but youself. And as much I like Keanu as an actor, I disagree with him. When I suffer and persevere to make money, I am not going to be taking any damn subway and be groped by perverts and harassed by junkies and all other great things that come with public transportation. I am not saying that I will be going out with a golden custom ferrari, but what's wrong with getting a reliable car? Enough with the suffering Olympics.
Excellent piece. When I stopped listening to podcasts or YouTubers explaining how to “build wealth, and instead focused on being with the people I care about and putting time to what I feel called towards (“…teaching, entertaining, inspiring, informing, or simply making people laugh” as you put it), money started showing up in ways a YouTube guru never could have conditioned me to find. The irony, of course, is that it’s no longer that important.
Keanu Reeves is a man to be admired for sure. Fair play to him.
Yep, I love him.
Decision fatigue is an enemy. We make thousands of tiny decisions every day, and the process of recognizing, considering, and executing each one robs us of a precious life force that has a very finite quantity in our lives. A great example of wisdom in this respect was Steve Jobs' wardrobe: black t-shirts and denim. Every day. Every occasion. One less fuss in the morning when getting up to start your day. Create a life where you eliminate the decision when you get there. It will conserve your energy for the important ones.
Keanu’s quiet charm always drops profound wisdom on us humans.
This guy says about five words on money and still it hits harder than a Tony Robbins seminar. :-)
And Keanu makes it look so effortless. It's pretty obvious why he was chosen to dodge bullets in The Matrix.
Thanks for another great article Tim
Interesting. It sounds like having a ceiling is all you need.
Everything earned beyond that you can give away.
I also remember Keanu Reeves blending in with the public in a NY Subway train. No one rushed to talk to him and he wore regular clothes.
He's a regular guy who happens to be successful
Money doesn't equal success. It's a medium of exchange that has no real value in and if itself.
I feel that making money just for the sake of making more money is the wrong way to see it.
Everyone should have a number that should suffice their interests and go in pursuit of that.
After that, it feels a bit pointless.
I would love to hear your thoughts on this idea.
I have to say that not having enough money to meet your needs is immensely stressful and anxiety producing. You end up essentially doing eeny meeny miney mo over which bill to pay or which service or item you need to live your life more comfortably. Forget about luxuries. You don’t get any. But of course I worry about those people who make so much money they don’t know how to spend it without getting stressed.😭
Good post. Sometimes when the financial vice grip gets so tight, I feel like I am too poor to help others. I start to live in scarcity and not abundance. It's important to remember that everything will work out in the end.
Sweet overview! Also you gotta appreciate that he shows up with a lady who is close to him in age, an artist, and wears her own face rather than a plastic surgeon's collage.
I'm always suspicious of this stuff ... Apparently he has hundreds of millions of dollars. And he has so many residual revenue streams, of course he thinks money isn't the be-all, end-all; so would I, if I never had to worry about it.
This is a very meaningful post. Thanks for sharing - Keanu is probably one of my favorite people...
I am sorry but the bitcoin friend was an idiot. He never heard of diversifying your portfolio or strategic withdrawals or any of all the other methods that minimize the risk? If you put all of your eggs in one basket, you have no one to blame but youself. And as much I like Keanu as an actor, I disagree with him. When I suffer and persevere to make money, I am not going to be taking any damn subway and be groped by perverts and harassed by junkies and all other great things that come with public transportation. I am not saying that I will be going out with a golden custom ferrari, but what's wrong with getting a reliable car? Enough with the suffering Olympics.
Excellent piece. When I stopped listening to podcasts or YouTubers explaining how to “build wealth, and instead focused on being with the people I care about and putting time to what I feel called towards (“…teaching, entertaining, inspiring, informing, or simply making people laugh” as you put it), money started showing up in ways a YouTube guru never could have conditioned me to find. The irony, of course, is that it’s no longer that important.
Thanks for sharing.
Live life more simple. I'm trying to get rid of things that takes time away from me. I want to get back more time for more meaningful things.
Excellent ❤️
His foreign policy opinions need work.
An A-List Celebrity who ‘Gets It’…
I have to go outside now…I am SURE that the Sky must be falling.