Jun 11Liked by Tim Denning

#3 is my number one with a bullet! I’ve been learning how to free myself from expectations – mine and others’ – and Josh’s quote along with your insightful perspective just helped me get to a profound realization:

My favorite thing is being surprised. The more I can free myself from expectations, the more I can surprise myself and others. And THAT is both surprising AND delightful to me!

Thank you for helping me learn, grow, and think better, Tim 🙏🏼❤️🙏🏼

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The worst is high expectations because you can never meet them.

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Jun 11Liked by Tim Denning

I love Quote #8 .The only way to get better is to compete with people who are better than you . I am falling in love with your writing.It’s always packed with top class information.I am learning and always looking forward to it.

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Thanks Alex that means a lot.

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Great point about Kieran. It reminded me of Michael Phelps who won 28 Olympic medals. He said

"I went five years straight without missing a day of training."

When I don't want to get up at 5 am for my morning runs, I ask myself what Michael would do. I haven't missed a run in years (I don't run every day, only three times a week).

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Is there a good Michael Phelps documentary?

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I watch videos about him on YouTube. There's a bunch of interviews too.

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I'm gonna check them out now.

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Jun 12Liked by Tim Denning

I need to post #2 and #9 on my bathroom mirror. I would even argue that mental resilience is necessary to succeed in life period, not just world-class performers. I am working on both these days, especially the last one. I was forced out of a job I really liked over a year ago. I had a legitimate legal claim but said "screw it, not going to give it my time, energy or money." (Besides the company did the same thing to another person before me, they're in a better position and are fighting it.) It has been a great time these last 13 months, and I'm getting more accomplished that I thought I would. Still have a way to go and I'm up-beat about it all.

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Why don't people work on their mindset Suzie?

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Good question, that I wish I had an answer for. A quote some of my recovery reading "we thought we could find an easier, softer way..."

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Excellent article as always, Tim. I was a bit puzzled by your reference here:

"With setbacks, you can get so pissed off you just break through Berlin wars others stand behind in compliance."

I believe you meant the infamous Berlin wall that kept some German people from freedom as opposed to Berlin wars?

Just trying to assist with the messaging, I am not being a d**k...

Keep the content coming, I look forward to reading every article/post!!!!

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Jun 12Liked by Tim Denning

I think you cleared this up for me. My guess is that Tim meant Berlin walls, not wars.

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Ooops I meant Berlin Walls.

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Congratulations Timm, as always a helpful contribution!

For me point 4 and 6 is interesting. "If I want to be the best, I must take risks that others would avoid, always optimizing the learning potential of the moment and turning adversity to my advantage."

Without friction life is boring, setbacks and obstacles are where we find growth.

After my country opened, thousands of capacity building trainings were poured, which no one used, this situation still continues. I thought otherwise way: Remove the restrictive framework of "international development", which is defined by money and power and which creates artificial barriers.

Magic happens when we align our efforts with our skills, knowing that quality over quantity is the path to success and satisfaction.

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3 and 8 are my favourites. So many times fallen into the trap of expectations. So I learned it hard way to set goals but not to expect anything. Just do your thing and try getting better each time.

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My favorite quote is "When you master Josh’s way of thinking you can literally do anything or be anyone you want. The mental limitations are removed and the path to mastery reveals itself."

This is a reminder for me that once you get on the right path, everything you ask for will be given to you because you will know what to ask for. I am so thankful for your writing and it has been waking me up after resting for too long! I am looking forward to hearing more from you after a much deserved rest for you.

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Nice list. Number 8 stuck out for me. I was watching F1 on Netflix last night and was struck by the camaraderie of the drivers. They were there to get the best of themselves AND each other. For me, the headline might otherwise have read: 'Make friends with your competitors and do stuff with them". Part of the happiness in getting ahead is that you feel you've carried others with you, not that you've trampled on them to get to the next level up.

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Love listening to these as a pump-up in the morning. Right now, I’m working on the balance of time between pursuing my goals/leveling up and time serving/supporting other people. I know these aren’t incompatible — but the balance can feel a bit elusive.

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Excellent quotes from a truly strange and enigmatic guy: Josh Waitzkin. Your comments are sound, but your first line was derogatory. I was super interested in Josh, but not really that you were a puny, underweight 16-year-old trying to shag everything that walked.

Sorry, but in an age where consent is a primary issue, bragging like this makes me feel ill. It comes across sounding like you were proud of your conquests with similarly-aged teens. Perhaps I got it wrong, but you could have gone with any other stupid and ridiculous thing most of us pimply, anaemic-looking 16-year-olds used to do instead, and still made a magical contrast with Josh.

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The "I wish I ran a mindset academy" and "I don’t is because people all think they have a great mindset" - made me giggle because, relatable. Relatable not because I want to run a mindset academy, although in some sense I do - but because, somehow, the teacher's dilemma is to offer the lesson the student isn't resistant to receive, and then give them what they truly need. It's a skill.

Great roundup. What really landed is the marker of a resilient mind being that it expects failure. This could lift so much suffering of anyone creating anything and putting it out in the world.

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Liked all the points but point 7 is exceptional

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“Success comes from turning setbacks into comebacks.” ==> Currently going through this in my business.

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The only way to get better is to compete with people better than you. Loved that one. This is why it's so important to find other communities with smart people that you can learn from, rather than try to learn it all yourself!

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The obstacle is the way and turning setbacks into comebacks has been the most important thing for me in the past year. After a tricky time at work I decided not to let it get me down and now I've come back better than ever!

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