Apr 4·edited Apr 4Liked by Tim Denning

Tim, the point about doing good through your actions resonated. I got a new job in 2022 and learned that my new boss had provided financial help to Ukrainian refugees here in Germany without telling anyone. I learned accidentally three months later. I respect the man.

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I have an unfuckwithable cousin who gets up stronger each time she takes a hit. Teen pregnancy, shotgun marriage, special needs daughter, divorce, single mum all before 21. She’s now 30 and thriving. Created her own profitable SMMA, constantly learning and hitting goals. Takes a hit, gets up stronger. She used to look up to me, now I think it’s the other way around. Grateful to have an unfuckwithable in my corner.

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Hello Tim. I took me 3 decades of work to get to this point just last year: "They guard their time like a navy seal. They’re ruthless...Their default answer to every request of time is no." Brilliant!

People, especially women, have to get over the wanting to be helpful (at work) when we already are doing incredible work that needs 80% of our attention and energy. That last 20% of time--guard it like a navy seal! Because I am not going to let down the important mission I am already assigned by doing the admin tasks that dilute my impact. I wish I had learned this 20 years ago, lol.

Good stuff!

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Loved the "Build your investment account like Warren Buffman Buffett."

Multiple income streams - huge because as you said, the curveballs are out there, waiting.

And like Buffett, also treating investing like investing and not like a bet on DraftKings.

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"The status quo is where dreams, creativity, and imagination go to die. Yet this is the place where people live by default without mindlessly realizing. Unf*ckwithable people run from the status quo. In fact, they challenge the heck out of it like they’re a soldier in a war fighting for freedom."

Love this. Such a timely reminder for me as I just got promoted at work and am stepping into more authority to... well.. f*ck with the status quo :)

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Really appreciate the list. I'm hoping to make some of these actionable in my life, rather than just reading and forgetting! My main focus is treating my time more valuable. I see myself being paid way too many directions and can't get any focused work done on any of them. Thanks for sharing, Tim!

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Usually women have maternity leave…paternity leave is for men. That’s typically how it’s labeled in the US however.

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Treat opinions like buttholes. This is gold! Thank you Tim.

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This is one I’ll be re-reading and taking notes. I loved listening too BTW. And the money part - soooo inspiring. Thank you as always. I’ve followed you for a long time.🦋

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Great article and the truth in so many ways. This is one I'm going to save and share. Thank you.

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Too right Tim! I couldn't agree more.

Advocate for yourself but be open to change.

That story about getting attacked by the gang and what happened afterwards... just goes to show how quickly we judge others. I would never have guessed your story would turn out the way it did but I was pleasantly surprised.

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I loved reading this, Tim! Your writing is super engaging. What I've walked away (clicked away?) from this essay with is to get out and happen to life and not cower waiting to be pushed around. Love the Tim Ferris quote - what a ripper!

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I was frustrated that my post wasn't displayed. I am more than unfuckwithable, actually even more than invincible, I'm impervious.

I had explained why, the amazing adventurous life I've lead (been to 70 countries, been everywhere, seen and done everything, very strong mind and body) and in the main I agree with your traits, except one, which I 100% disagree with. No as a default answer to requests for your time.

People asking for your time are usually friends or people who look up to you, they are asking for you knowledge, experience or support and default no to supporting your friends is arrogant. Find time, if not immediately tell them when, it's not hard to find time if you're impervious.

NOTHING can affect me.

18 months ago they told me I had a year left to live with pancreatic cancer, I just went to 15 countries visiting friends. Turns out its just very badly damaged, which causes me a lot of serious pain, vomiting and not eating for weeks on end, I just ignore it and carry on.

I work, but don't need to, I can quit and retire any time I want, I work to help local youth, my staff, my community, but I don't HAVE to for any reason.

Both my investment account and my savings accounts are extremely strong so NO LEVEL of financial emergency can affect me at all.

I was a bomb disposal expert in Ireland in 1980, I can always handle crisis or emergencies in my stride, I don't every get stressed or depressed I don't have any romantic commitments, I'm impervious. I'm also quite old (66 this year). So many years of experience got me here and now I'm strong in every department.

As I said, enjoyed your traits and some of them made me think about and realise where I now am in my life.

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Love love love this!! Woman are being underestimated again and again, even though they are well aware that it’s going to be their loss. And this is how we come back!! Kudos to all the women out there giving their best fight! <3

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I was recently let go from my job and I took it surprisingly well. My friend asked me if I was mad or upset and I said no and my previous employer doesn’t deserve any of my anger or sadness. I feel so much lighter and free the next day. Now I have another chance to do something that I am truly passionate about!

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damn u ppl suxxx.. trashtalk all the time.. stoopid fukkks..

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