When I awaken in the morning and take inventory, I feel 35.

When I look in the mirror and shave, I see 75.

That two generational gap confirms that attitude triumphs over age.

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I heard this from a few people Scott. What a weird feeling. The human experience is extraordinary.

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Loved this article -

“Biggest trick: experience more randomness so your brain stops running on default patterns that make time appear to speed up.”

-This was brilliant insight. I remember reading something a log time ago that said the reason time speeds up as we get older is because we stop learning new things. We operate on autopilot. Think of the first time you learned to ride and bike or drive? You were engaged in every minute of learning something new. Now many times, we end up at our destination not even thinking about the tasks associated with driving a car, thinking how did we get here so fast and where did the time go? So the trick is indeed, to keep learning new things all the way into old age. It slows time time, and engages our senses and our brains and helps create flow states where we are completely present in the moment. Thanks for reminding me of this again. As always, love your insights!

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Cheers Kit. Great reminder.

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My antidote to aging - I am too busy making every day count to think about it.


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Good life hack Robyn.

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To the young, life is a tortoise. To the old, a deer.

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Great analogy Bob.

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In addition to living in the moment, the best anti-aging advice I can offer is 'exercise', for its health effects and its domino effect on sleep and your diet. My karate instructor looked and acted 40 when he was 75.

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Great advice Miles.

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Love your writing Tim! Enjoy that little girl! I have 3 grown sons and now 5 grandchildren… that for me is one of the best parts of life now.. (that, followed by Life coaching— and they are the reason I do Life coaching… so that somehow my work will make the world better for them and everyone else) When I play with my grandchildren, time & aging disappear! They bring childlike joy to my spirit!

I wish you the blessings of being a grandfather when the time is right! And until then (and after!) keep writing your amazing articles. 👏👏👏

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Sounds like a beautiful family Alexandra. Congrats.

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It’s constant spiritual work (humility on my part 😅) to keep things flowing with love.

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I'm starting to explore this spiritual world Alexandra. Will keep you posted.

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I loved to part about grey hair. I used to dye my hair. My wife told me to stop. I told her, she gets her dyed all the time (she is older than me). She told me that's okay, but I look more distinguish and wiser with grey. I just looked at her for a few seconds and said, "Ah-Ha".

At 72 I have to keep working or I will turn into a couch potato, watching sports on tv. I could die sitting there and no one would notice for days.

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Love the badass attitude Jerry.

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My wife convinced me to do the same thing (I'm 71). I resisted. After thinking about it I realized that, yes, I probably looked a few years younger, but, still, I was never going to look fifty again. The most amazing (and subtle) thing happened..... people in general started acting toward me with more deference or respect. At first I wasn't sure if I was just imagining this. But now I am sure of it. It is very interesting.

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I always like how you cut the crap and go straight to the core. Thanks for being a good read during my coffee break

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That's my aim Marieke.

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Dead on bro!

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Cheers bro

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You will die ! I'm not sure why this stood out to me the most but I can relate to this article. I have been trying to spend less time at work and doing more things I actually enjoy. Time is really all we have while we're here .

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Less work is a good goal to have Samuel.

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That has been my ultimate goal since 2020. Still working on it !

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My goodness, Tim, let it go already. Take your own advice and BE PRESENT.

Gray hair is no big deal. I didn't get my first silver streaks till I turned 40. I don't let them rule now. L'Oreal haircolours are the best. I'm sure they have some for men. Don't go too dark, use a dark blond or very light brown.

Your daughter will be your "fountain of youth" as long as you live. Rejoice in her growing up. She will never grow "old" with a dad like you!

My mom is 21 years older than me. She still isn't "old" in my eyes because she learns new things every day. Make that your mantra, too, and you will just keep growing up, not old.

My favourite saying about age goes something like this: "You don't stop playing because you grow older. You grow older because you stop playing." Don't stop playing, especially now that you have the ideal play inspiration and companion, little Miss Denning.

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Love this line Carol: Your daughter will be your "fountain of youth" as long as you live.

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Hi, Tim, always a pleasure to share my "wisdom" with you. Just ask my mom, she's the youngest 86-year-old I have ever met.

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nice written article, I resonated with "spend more time in nature" and this is something that I don't do enough.

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Me neither Victoria.

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Great article Tim. Your opening point.is so true. If we aren’t consciously living our lives in the present we are “dead”. Robin Sharma sums it up in a great one liner: “Don’t die at 20 and live until you are 90!”

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Such a good like from Robin Sharma. Love it Brenda.

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Great article Tim. Your opening point.is so true. If we aren’t consciously living our lives in the present we are “dead”. Robin Sharma sums it up in a great one liner: “Don’t die at 20 and live until you are 90!”

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Bang on Tim! Nicely said.

Reading your work over the last year, I figured some sort of spark plug was there. The give-a-shit meter is low. I've seen this on some of your podcast and guest appearances as well.

In our household, it was multiple deaths. In 5 years, this included my sister at 49 with brain cancer, then 6 grandparents between my wife and I, then my mom, then a good friend's 19 yr old daughter, an aunt, then my 62 yr old brother in law, then another aunt. A cycling buddy this past year at 48. A nationally-ranked cyclist, dropped dead on his bike trainer.

There's not one right way to live - we way - but there's only always 1 ending.

So get after it. Don't let silly shit, like what Suzy or Bob in HR might think about your writing. Keep going! Hug that little one lots before teenage-hood. ;)

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Good pickup David. Yep, it's obvious when I do podcasts.

Sorry to hear about all this debt. Should be great motivation though.

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I'm actually enjoying retirement. Time to relax, join a Choir, walk the dog ( and husband), travel and play guitar. Not necessarily in that order! Lol

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Lily, can you play a Queen guitar solo?

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No but I can play and sing whole jazz songs. Lol

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That's just as cool Lily :)

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