Tim, people don't understand F U money. It's hard if you work for a wage (I do). What changed my perspective was a looming layoff a few years ago. I agree the best investment is in yourself. I've spent $6k on online writing courses (mostly yours and Ayo's) and just broke even. From now on, it's all profit (that goes into assets). Keep getting rich, man!

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I pivoted to F U money mindset just a few years ago. And I am just now focusing on reducing my spend in studio (read: consumerist) shit to spend on myself and build a business. That’s why I joined your mastermind :) so grateful for that.

Ultimately, not everyone will wake up to F U money mindset, and that’s ok. Some want to play the game of the matrix, “enjoy life” because they “deserve” that business class ticket and Chanel bag.

I’m here to leave, as I like to say. Your words are, always, a catalyst for me. Thank you. 🙏

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Investing in my health is the key to having more time, to create wealth. Why I never miss a sunrise. Love the pic of the brides - ever hear of "torches of liberty", marketing campaign created by Ed Bernays?

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The most engaging writer out there. Quality content written really really well. Thanks

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F U money = FREE YOU money

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Who know it's a good one when Tim mentions a 'lambo'. Thanks Tim for the reminder that money spent on myself is money well spent!

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As long as we are beholden to the next paycheque we will never be free. To me, there’s nothing more important to spend my money on than my own freedom from wage slavery.

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As iusual, right on the (fu) money. Keep on singing this song. At 84, I'm finally there: healthwise, I'm playing with house money; financially I have what I want 'cuz I want what I have...

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This is encouraging. I was thinking about this yesterday as I applied for jobs.

As a business owner/co-founder, I've had to upgrade across the board. The business isn't there to support either one of us month to month yet.

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It's all happening Tim. Thanks for the email earlier. Much love.

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Appreciate your writing and the message, Tim!

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