Tim, thank you very much for this insightful, encouraging piece. I don't know anyone, where I live, who makes a decent living, or any money at all, as an online content creator/writer, and often I feel alone, and as though I'm delusional for trying to do that. But when I read your work, I start to see possibilities, and the dwindling fire within me is reignited. I thank you for that.

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Another masterpiece! Thank you Mr. Denning 😊

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This edition of yours makes me feel and write- Along with death, 'uncertainty in life' should also be put under the category of "the only constant"

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Very good points. Big topic this week, it seems!

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Hey Tim,

Thanks for another absolute post this week. It was thanks to your tweets about the benefits of writing that kicked me into high gear to try to write online.

I certainly am going to through the imposter phase because 3 months in, and I feel like I don’t know what the hell I am doing. I feel so uncomfortable writing a post, mini essay, or even a podcast episode and I wonder if I’m even doing this stuff right. I wonder if people even want to read about silly rants sometimes. The best thing for me is just keep going and see what happens. I figure this uncertainty will keep me on my toes until I feel like a true writer.

Thanks again.

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Sep 15, 2022Liked by Tim Denning

Dear Tim,

Thank you for your innovative approach and sharing your unfiltered ideas.

I understand in what you write that many signs that people consider positive (Confidence, knowing a lot etc.) are negative and vice versa.

While I believe there are cases where your list fully applies, it does not do so in every case. Just like the same symptoms can stem from different illnesses, so for example can success come from different roots. For example, success can come from making it too easy or just having understood enough to create success in a way that it is fully in your hands while still being regular and deeply satisfying.

The "know it all" impression can be a result of making the tasks too easy. For example, instead of asking "Write a bio" ask for "Write an impressive bio that has a high probability of getting attention from your recipient audience". I believe there would be much less "know it alls" if confronted with the second task.

As my examples demonstrate, at least the "indicators" mentioned above are likely not universally valid but at least have their exceptions. Maybe there are some to be found for the other "indicators" too.

All that being said. I hope you enjoy your fatherhood and the unique experiences that come with it. May your family be healthy and well.

Best regards,


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The give more of your self seems to work with me whenever I feel down.

What I find difficult though is that I sometimes feel like I'm underperforming in many things. and failing a lot. Some how, it's because I stray away from the path that I intend to take. Maybe it's just me getting bored or lazy when something goes hard.

I tell myself this discovery is a marathon not a race. I'm exploring options and it's okay to drop some projects along the way, at the same time discover what I'm passionate about.

Writing seems to be a natural option. Any thoughts?

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Hey Tim, I always enjoy your writing, and this piece especially so! Thanks for sharing your insights💜 I wanted to share a few related resources for you and your community in case you haven't come across them.

The first is the TED talk about Originals by Adam Grant which talks about the habits of original thinkers, the related point about having an abundance of ideas in which most fail, but the few that succeed change the world (he says it much better than me so it's worth watching): https://www.ted.com/talks/adam_grant_the_surprising_habits_of_original_thinkers

The next is about the importance of impostor syndrome and using it to your benefit: https://www.ted.com/talks/mike_cannon_brookes_how_you_can_use_impostor_syndrome_to_your_benefit

The last is about energy, I've seen this message from you a few times about attention/focus and energy flow, and I have given several workshops on this before, and will be giving another one soon to my Meetup group if anyone would like to attend: https://www.meetup.com/consciousness-development-study-of-self/events/288376921

There are also other workshops I'll be hosting earlier if anyone is interested they can check the list: https://www.meetup.com/consciousness-development-study-of-self/

And of course, if you want to check out my stack: ti0x.substack.com

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Thank you Tim,

My key takeaways:

-Our results are a sum total of our knowledge, actions and in actions

-We should strive to invest oin ourselves

-I know that is the great probelm to learning and becoming better

-Giving, the more we give to the other party is generally the best way to getting more

-Challenges are a sign of growth

-Offcourse imperfect action is better than perfectly doing nothing.

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The over confidence statement is so true. I met many people without a doubt who always believe what they think and perceive to be true is exactly how it’s going to happen.Toxic positivity.. The truth is, people like that are the one without a growth mindset. They don’t want any real feedback, they want to live in a bubble.

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