Oh, this one was real good.

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Agree, especially the part on real life video games.

"Fear doesn’t exist in video games. You’re controlling an avatar that’s outside of yourself. Whatever you think the avatar can do, it does." - Tim Denning

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I don't know how you do that. I got goosebumps when I got to the last part of this essay. This is super motivating.

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I write a blog about how i'm very confident that i've figured out some biomechanics that will be more impactful than anything in the history of humanity: https://reviv.substack.com/

Teeth (specifically dental height) is key to things like reversing the aging process, reversing disease, etc.

All based on ~10 yrs of experimenting on myself.

Does that count for being bat shit crazy enough? lol

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I wasn’t going to comment until I read the part where you were holding your tears on the phone. I’ve actively been on Substack for a few months now and your newsletter is the only one I wait for like a prescription. You’ve changed how I think and feel about writing, and broken so many barriers I didn’t even know have been holding me back in my own writing and ideas. This has pushed me to follow everything that’s already been calling. I’m not able to join the academy yet, but I’m looking forward to going even more mad

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A lot of people think people like Robert Kiyosaki are really dangerous bc they "spread dangerous ideas."

I don't really like Robert necessarily bc of his financial "advice." I like him bc he made it plain to everyone that you have to be insane if you want to break out of the matrix. You have to do things that are "dangerous" to a lot of people. A lot of people think he's crazy, or insane, or spreading dangerous lies. Is he?

Did he share with the world that in order to realize your true potential, you might just have to risk death?

Those are the mad ones.

Let us all question our beliefs a little more. The ones we never thought to question.

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I'm a mad Puerto Rican. I walk, I talk, I write with emotion. It's my personality, but It's also cultural.

The years I lived in the States that was something difficult to deal with, their emotionless society.

Like you, I'm fed-up, maybe sad with a society that shows no emotion, no care or feelings. I feel like shouting, wake up people!

I love this inspirational blog, Tim. Thanks.

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Yes, I believe in the mad ones. I have left the mad ones because I'm not mad anymore.

The anger that can drive you is gone.

I'm thankful for that.

I've joined the crazy ones. They are the mad ones without the anger.

We drive on fumes of impossible tasks, what if...and crazy thoughts like that.

When mad ones and crazy ones get together, you release an insane level of ideas and energy.

We trigger each other while the political correctness runs away screaming.

Not for the faint-hearted.

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I don’t think you’re mad for thinking and behaving different(ly) - which is what that iconic Apple ad campaign was about. Whatever it is though has certainly infected me

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Hey Tim, glad to know I'm mad. Talking to you every week in The Badassery Academy is enlightening.

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There is so much in this article to unpack. You start by speaking of our numbness and later reference your own sense of not belonging. I feel both those things are related and apply to so many of us. We haven’t been taught how to feel, and that’s the issue. I’ve learned that when we know how to feel - we regain that sense of contentment or ‘home’. Timely, as I’m actually publishing an article on this very topic today. And hello from Queensland. 🦘

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I came up with an idea for raising money just following losing Everything to be able to survive medical treatment over 12-year period. I believe this mad approach CAN and will work! Thanks for the kick in the pants! Going max here!!!

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I think elections are simply a giant survey of humanity to see how the mind control is working, whether people believe they are actually choosing or actually realizing that they've always been surveyed in this great mind control experiment called society.

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Once again, Tim: Thank you. Reading this piece made me feel understood and not alone. Through the years I've noticed how political correctness has become a way to numb and control people. Like if you don't think that way you are not welcome

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This article was life changing. I listened to the audio version as I made dinner and it finally clicked for my why having audio option for posts is so important. The overall ideas of the post resonated on a profound level. Thank you.

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nice one... embrace "madness" - unconventional thinking and bold risk-taking, chase energy and making an impact.

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Wow, this is so powerful! The comparison to video games and the emphasis on creation over doubt really resonates. Let’s all strive to be mad ones! 🎮

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