The money mindset is the one I loved the most, because it's so essential - if you don't believe you are worth it, you won't get it.

My income tripled overnight for doing the same job. I just made one switch - I started freelancing as a contractor instead of being employed. In the banking sector FYI ;)

I knew that I was worth that money, because I asked for the exact same amount as my employer did before. Companies where paying for it then, why not now?

After sending my first invoice and then receiving it in my account, everything changed. Anything seemed possible.

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Thanks again, Tim, for keeping us in line. I think the thing that feels right tends to be our strength...Many times people persevere to try to work on a "weakness," justifying years of suffering for a payout that never comes. By focusing on a strength, the money comes easier because we're doing something we love and it doesn't even feel like work.

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You have such a generous spirit Tim. I got my 1st "like" on an article from someone besides my partner. I love this sh*t so much I am going to keep at it and figure it out.

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Hey Tim, I know how many years of writing you and Ayo have behind yourselves. This is one of the things that helps me overcome the frustration of not making as much as I want to (I've only been in the business for 1,5 years). I've been reaching out to my email subscribers individually to help them with investing. So far, 2 people out of 130 have expressed interest but then ghosted me. I'll keep fine-tuning my offer to get my first 'yes'. Thanks for the inspiring post.

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U have me --

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great read Tim, I resonate with ALL of the mentioned points.

One thing I want to add here, doing the right thing for 'YOU' is important,

We have to zoom out, find what is important for us.

We have to think CLEARLY on what really matters for the person 'ME'

Problem is we are not in the habit of 'thinking'. We are just living/existing.

When we start to THINK; when we start to get in the RIGHT mindset for us, everything around us changes.

All the money problems exist currently because that's what we are wired to think about. But in reality, life can be anything we want+ create every single day.

Too many inherent beliefs are holding us back currently.

The change in our life starts when we start THINKING differently. When we start questioning our inherent beliefs.

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You put it all together so well Tim. Do the right thing, rinse and repeat!

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Patience and dedicating enough time to becoming an expert is tough but worth it in the long-run.

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Great points.

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As hard as I tried to do the wrong thing, I never made any real money. - this is what resonated most with me, am at the beginning stages of experiencing the same, hope I can stay on my new ‚surfboard‘ surfing the waves tricky as it might be rather than going back to swimming against the tide :-)

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"The best in world do the right thing an unreasonable amount of times until it creates so much value that it’s virtually impossible *not* to get paid good money."

This part is the real deal; you have to work hard. Your efforts should be 10x. I have realised value compounds; thete is no short cut. If you put mediocre efforts, you will get mediocre results.

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Loved “stop working hard on stuff you don’t care much about.” Because by doing what you love, the learning curve, the failed experiments, the rejections, of whatever you’re doing, will never bum you out enough to make you quit.

Musashi Miyamoto, the legendary swordsman who wrote “Book of Five rings” once said “everything is hard, but everything is hard at first”.

Everyone has to go through the learning curve, whether it’s business, music, writing etc… everyone sucks at first. Those who work on what they love set themselves up for success, because they will do it long enough to succeed.

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Apr 11Liked by Tim Denning

You are a digital role model!

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Nothing is harder than being broke, I definitely agree. Unfortunately, there are lots of systems in place to keep poor people poor and make rich people richer. It takes intention and planning to break out of these cycles! And even then, it's not always a matter of willpower. So it's dangerous to internalize setbacks along the way as personal failures or shortcomings. Shit's hard! Set ambitious goals, but go easy on yourself as you learn, stumble, and keep growing toward a better future.

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deletedApr 13Liked by Tim Denning
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