Well said, Tim.

Advice which is certainly relevant in this age of distraction where trivialities and fleeting moments take precedence over substance and meaningful endeavor.

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Great tips Tim. Something I ponder over. Having regrets may not be a bad thing. Well as long as we are alive and healthy. Because it often tells us we want to do more & be more.

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Spot on Tim...as usual. I just asked my SVP and CEO, "please promote this person (my right hand) and give her a raise, I will forgo any forthcoming raise for me to make this happen for her". They agreed. Will I get a raise?...who cares. What I got, besides tears of joy from her, is a new manager fully committed to our mission who knows I am committed to her growth and development. I work for everyone beneath me and helping them grow and achieve is the best feeling in the world!! I wont forget that moment ever.

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Nov 6, 2022·edited Nov 6, 2022Liked by Tim Denning

Tim, I cant say enough about the prescriptions of accuracy that you deliver. I embrace , enjoy and definately take note.

Have a Blessed Day on Purpose my friend.

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Nov 5, 2022Liked by Tim Denning

Could not have said it better myself. One day I hope to meet my daughter again. She was two when I left and never have I returned. I had many reasons. Yesterday I found a clip my phone recorded 8 years after I had come to in a body bag down to date and time. The screen is silent and black for a good 3-4 minutes. Then at the end of the video, you can hear a shuffle and the clip ends. That was when I opened my eyes and my heart started to beat again. So when you have had these experiences you then come to realize just how much time you wasted destroying what you want most out of life. A family of my own. Fathers are the most important in a young lady's life. They provide for the most part healthy validation attributing to her level of self-confidence. As she matures you will see a young woman making more sound choices and not looking for love in the wrong places. As for your face try dermologica special cleansing gel with active moist moisturizer. If you skin is too dry, which it sounds as if it is your glands are working extra to produce oil to keep it moist. Maybe it's the hormones. She gets to grow your human and you get to play Dr pimple popper. 🍑

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Nov 3, 2022Liked by Tim Denning

In these days of INSTANT communication, it's a great idea to ask oneself these questions.


Because some innocent-sounding fool will text or e-mail you about "that time when you..."

Flush and plunge your mental toilet NOW.

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This is one of several that stand out, for me:

"A boss doesn’t determine your career – you do. And a career people look up to and marvel at is built on mindset, not ‘experience’ or bosses’ opinions."

Wow, that's striking.

Thank you, Tim.

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Knowing thyself and prioritize important things in life is above all. Great motivation Tim🙏

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Love this article Tim. #5 is massive, I used to always worry what my boss though of me rather then just saying “ I will give my absolute best & that’s all that matters.”

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Honestly, it will be more than an act of anything possible of natural sources. I told Devyn's dad that he would meet a woman and have a son. I nailed it and she got nailed. With a beautiful wee cherub who will be confused like her mom. She was born on methadone. 281 mgI has been clean cold turkey

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deletedNov 3, 2022Liked by Tim Denning
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