Jul 28, 2022Liked by Tim Denning

Wow, so many great points in one article!

This could be a whole book but you skillfully condensed it down to the meat of the matter for us f•ck givers.

I especially liked the tip of blast past my fears and do it anyways. Great writing Tim and so empowering! Thankyou.

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Cheers James!

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Jul 28, 2022Liked by Tim Denning

The last advice about "Memento mori" the strongest one :) and I am trying to fix it in my mind from the early age. And the pictures from the James Webb telescope is a rule changer for the whole humanity on the Mother Earth . So, let's live our life and be grateful for everything what we have and never take peace as granted !

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Ryan Holiday says this one a lot Irma

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Started my day with this no-BS perspective! Thanks Tim.

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Haha no probs :)

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Jul 28, 2022Liked by Tim Denning

This is the best thing I have read in awhile. I have imposter syndrome and realize now this is BS. Nobody knows everything and being present and learning is what makes me good at doing whatever it takes to get the job done. Thanks for a great start to the day!

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The beautiful thing is we all have imposter syndrome at some point. I get it as a writer all the time. Feel the fear and do it anyway.

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I am putting this on a post it note - It’s about being assertive and not letting bureaucrats walk all over your sexy body. Haha it applies to more than just bureaucrats, I can apply it to a few situations! Thanks Tim.

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Love it Karolyn!

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Jul 28, 2022Liked by Tim Denning

Fuck that was a good read man, wtf

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Haha much love Dima!

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Jul 28, 2022Liked by Tim Denning

Great article!!! I guess my only f***k given is that insufferable Jacinta of NZ. All politicians are the same, just different shades IMO. Keep up the great insight.

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Appreciate your thoughts Steven.

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Really well done. Thanks.

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Cheers !

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Thank You. It's important to do a 'course' (direction) correction often. I didn't realise how 'off course' (lost?) I was becoming with the constant overload of bullshit being forced on us daily - even without watching TV (threw it away about 4 years ago) or listening to 'main stream' media. We are only here once - it's not a 'dress rehearsal'. What happens in my future is something I do give a f*ck about.

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We all collect BS. The key is to unload it.

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Jul 28, 2022Liked by Tim Denning

I've been standing up to bureaucracy and policies for decades now. Here's proof: I just got an appointment for an MRI because my hearing (and my comprehension of what I THINK I am hearing is getting worse by the day. Brain synapses are NOT firing that are supposed to be, and I want to know which ones they are before I spend $5000 on new "hearing aids" that won't help me hear or comprehend better by so much as a decibel. My appointment is for TOMORROW at 0550 am. It usually takes a MONTH to get an MRI appointment in this part of my country. Hoping for good news but expecting the worst. Take it easy, have a great day and don't give any unnecessary F*cks.

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That's the spirit Carol. I have hearing challenges too.

Best of luck for your appointment.

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Everything was great until "... Jacinta. She seems to have a brain and can get stuff done."

Trampling personal liberty is how tyrants always "get stuff done".

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Can't win over every reader :)

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I feel like I need to read this every day until I internalize it. It's so great

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Great article. Except:

"The one exception is that New Zealand prime minister Jacinta. She seems to have a brain and can get stuff done."

You should come over here and spend some time understanding what it is really like living under her regime. Your outsider assessment of her is completely off the mark.

And it is "Jacinda", not "Jacinta".

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Interesting Murray.

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deletedJul 28, 2022Liked by Tim Denning
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Sometimes cold shower advice is just what we need Rose.

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